
Country Snapshot

Nigeria is a vibrant energy market and HETA used our call for concepts window to explore promising innovations. Through that process, we issued a stand-alone grant to PIND Foundation in July 2023 to electrify 12 facilities (4 of which were completed by September 30) in remote and last-mile communities of the Niger Delta region—amplifying the impact of PIND’s Access to Energy Project. 
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USAID Mission Funding
We will conduct a scoping visit and co-creation workshop in early 2024 to determine a potential investment case for USAID mission co-funding.
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Facilities & People Reached
We completed 4 health facilities, representing more than 14,000 people served in the surrounding communities.
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Local Partners & Leverage Resources
HETA has mobilized $435,000 in leverage resources from PIND and local developers.

Unlocking Off-Take for Healthcare and Productive Uses of Energy

To boost access to energy for off-grid health facilities and support Nigeria’s transition to renewable energy, HETA partnered with the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND). Together with PIND and their network of mini-grid developers, we are co-financing 20-foot containerized solar PV systems able to generate 15–20 kilowatts of electricity to power 12 remote and last-mile health centers and health posts. 
The solution leverages the work of PIND’s Access to Energy Project by establishing dedicated off-take arrangements that provide more affordable electricity for the health facilities. Electricity not used by the health facilities is available for commercial and industrial loads in the nearby communities. HETA’s funding is matched two to one, with PIND and local developers funding two-thirds of the capital expenses for procurement and installation of the energy systems.


As of September 30, 2023, this project had electrified four health facilities and is on track to complete all 12 by the end of December. Our partnership provides sustainable, 24/7 access to electricity at subsidized costs, powering cold chain equipment and contributing to a range of results at the nexus of health service delivery, energy access, and climate mitigation:

  • Improved healthcare access for 14,000 people in last-mile and coastal communities of the Niger Delta
  • Complementary electrical connections for 3,000 households and local businesses
  • Reducing more than 2,000 tons of carbon emissions

Partner Spotlight

Established in 2010, the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is a non-profit organization that promotes peace and equitable economic growth in the Niger Delta region through strategic partnerships and collaborations.
HETA partnered with PIND for an initial six-month program, closing in December 2023, to deploy innovative power enterprise models that provide clean, sustainable electricity for 12 last-mile health facilities. The business model uses solar energy cabins that provide reliable, affordable solar power for health service delivery and for complementary business connections in the surrounding communities.

PIND works with local solar mini-grid developers and provides capacity strengthening support through the HETA funding. The private mini-grid companies operate and maintain the cabins through a commercial model in which non-healthcare customers pay service-reflective tariffs for electricity. 
Each community intervention in this first phase is expected to benefit between 300 and 1,200 people accessing the local primary healthcare facility—giving thousands of people the potential to benefit from improved electrification in hard-to-reach coastal communities of the Niger Delta. 

This report and the experiences it documents were made possible through the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It was produced by Abt Global for the Power Africa Health Electrification and Telecommunications Alliance (USAID Cooperative Agreement 72067422CA00003).

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